
Showing posts from February, 2020

@36daysoftype introduction

I've prepared the following list as a means of reference for the research conducted on each day of 36 days of type starting on Monday. My intention is to produce characters that are at the beginning of the word they represent 'A is for Asemic writing' etc... We'll have to wait and see what happens when I get round to numbers, I haven't decided on this yet. My plan is to have an eclectic set of characters that would ideally derive from 36 different movements of art or typography or artists or pieces of research but I'm sure there will be a little overlap so we'll see what happens with that. My strategy is to spend only max 2 hours on each letter each day to allow time to produce other work for other projects but I have a feeling some days might get very immersive. List: A-Z Asemic or art’s and crafts movement   Byblos or bauhaus   Cursiva or cranbrook   Delta or dada Euro style or Eric Gill   Fraktur   Generative or Grotesque or Gutenburg  

fashioning the industry - Lou Alsop round up

Following on from my collaboration with Emanuele Piarulli before Christmas and acting on my secondary passion, continuing to target interaction with fashion designers and those working in the industry. I generally believe that if I can get a foothold through projects with designers I respect then I can grow a reputable name within the industry at whatever level. From my experience so far word of mouth appears to be the best way to get my name out there.  I have had a few interactions with Lou Alsop since before Christmas as I featured her in my COP essay. As a continuation of this over the last couple of months, I have been reacting to her stories and generally trying to be kept in mind for an internship of sorts whenever that may be possible. I asked after my essay if working with her would be possible and she replied a bit delayed but didn't shut it down suggesting she would give me a shout if she needed some help with graphic elements. Working with Lou would be a dream on tru

PPP self-promo

You should all have a website live for the final PPP submission in May.  Draft sent to Alec via Estudio by March 17th. Must-haves:    Consistent application of personal branding. A curated selection of your work  An engaging bio  Include contact details and relevant socials via working links including :mailto link Always give your projects some context with rationale copy Image quality is essential Intuitive layout and navigation Either build or continue to refine a custom site  Squarespace Cargo Collective Adobe Portfolio ReadyMag Format Fabrik  Make sure your site is live for assessment Inspiration at: Professional sites: Claire Köster Fanqiao Wang Jules Morin Zack Wellin Mariano Pascual Roberta Donatini Ingo Offerma

Fashioning the industry - Gramm response

As part of my 'fashioning the industry' PPP project, I have produced a logotype for Gramm. the Manchester-based fashion/street and techwear house. I included these below images in my recent studio practise crit but here's the information for my PPP blog. The prospective work came about through a friend and LAU alumni who does 3D work for Gramm. He said they enjoyed my response and would be in touch but still nothing. I think in hindsight the response was too dated and needed some refining. Hopefully, I will work with Gramm in future and get another chance to innovate. With regards to the Gramm. logotype I submitted as part of their competition. I showed the brand Instagram as well as a means of gauging how appropriate the identity was. The crit group appeared to agree with me that maybe it was a little too true to my calligraphic style and not digital enough for the brand in question. I think the dynamism of the type fits the fast pace of a streetwear brand but just

Visiting professionals - Jaywing

VMC live brief Jaywing deal with data science and the design of technical data Data for intelligent and intuitive branding Hull 2017, Dominos AI targeted advertising, Edinburgh Hogmanay, university of Sunderland, VMC are the client - Visual media conference 2021 branding A conference for a wide range of 300 industry professionals 2020 - fake it or make it - revealing truth and authenticity in a false digital world Applied to insta, emails, website, any printed materials, 2021 brief: Pick a theme from: Future connections, post-purpose brand,

PPP Branding yourself

Being published online is good but in print is more notable and doesn’t get as lost in the continuous feed. Instagram accounts to consider tagging: @thebrandidentity @certainmagazine @graphic.index @collectgraphics @icographica @curatory_  @typegoodness Design boom Keep personal Instagram private and separate from the main work account. Consider cultivating a twitter account and following on there. Becca Jones, Beth Lyon/Nara Design Try and get some kind of press coverage via the various means this year Case study: Michael William Lester - Character Building Task for blogs: write a fractions feature about yourself I have decided to write about the type family I made for Emanuele Piarulli before Christmas: ' Sol Chadwick is using Typography to Help Fashion Startups Sew Customers from the Global Megahouses The Leeds Art University student recent collaboration with menswear graduate and fellow LAU alumni Emanuele Piarull

Crit for S.O.D and Gramm. responses

Yesterday we had a crit on studio progress to assess where we are with relation to time plan and the ever-changing briefs. I started by talking about my plan to have 5 briefs near enough done by the end of the month and how it may no longer be so realistic but still possible. When discussing the ones that I have already nearly completed I was told by Nick that I should come up with my own specimen for brief 7 work with Joe, which is fair enough, so I need to have a think about the best way to present this asap. I presented my progress on the now two full typefaces for the State of denial brief as well as showing the quick logotype I had mocked up for Gramm. and Olly and I showed updates to our end of year show branding. However, I said that EoYS would probably not be one of my final 10 depending on the outcome of the judge's decisions next week. This type for S.O.D was received well with a fairly little comment other than it would be nice to see it applied. I need to wait for

PPP self-branding ventures

Creatives have come up with a whole host of self-branding solutions that either bypass the need for an internship or allow a more innovative progression into a dream job via a custom made portfolio. First, we should envision our dream future job/a realistic position achievable with a project straight out of uni: I would like to be a midweight/junior typographer at a foundry or type first studio, preferably within Europe or the UK at first. To find this position I feel that I need not only to have a strong portfolio displaying a beautiful range of typography but also I must show innovative methods of displaying said typography. We view type increasingly digitally so removing my faces from the screen or allowing some interplay between digital and tangible mediums is important to help me stand out. I found one example of a project that is a little similar to the examples given this morning but more specifically for typography, within this horribly dated Kickstarter campaign from 201

Studio golden update

Unfortunately, I found out today that I haven't been offered an internship at studio GOLDEN. This didn't come as much of a surprise as I didn't feel like I was a very good match for the studio, they are not very typographically focused which does beg the question why they asked me for an interview after seeing my portfolio but it was a good experience anyway. It does make me think I should broaden my portfolio a bit and make sure I ask still focusing on the whole picture instead of just the type within projects. I feel like I can do the whole thing and am not just a typographer but I understand that my portfolio might not be the best reflection of this. I originally approached the interview thinking I would love to suggest to them that I work as a freelance typographer alongside their projects but it soon became apparent that they do everything like that in house which is a bit of a shame because I feel like a specified typographer would really help some of their campaign

Coeval article for S.O.D

State of Denial received a very nice article feature in magazine Coeval the other day which is really nice to see and gives me another more detailed insight into the aesthetics and ethics behind the brand.

PPP Portfolio and Golden Studio interview

Last week I received a DM from a lady called Catherine from Leeds based studio Golden (@togetherwearegolden), to say some representatives had attended our Out of Context exhibition for the COP practical work. This was the first I had heard of the studio as was a very affirming message to receive. She asked for my portfolio which of course instantly inspired panic as I didn't have one at all but I said I was updating it and would send it over asap. This was, of course, perfect timing due to the upcoming portfolio crit that happened yesterday and allowed me to get it all sorted way before the Tuesday. Golden replied via email a day after I submitted last Thursday to say they would like me to come in for an interview, which I attended this Monday just gone... a quick turn around. The interview itself went okay, I felt like the two representatives liked my work and thought my type was engaging and interesting. However, I fully didn't know how the practicalities of their studio work