@36daysoftype introduction

I've prepared the following list as a means of reference for the research conducted on each day of 36 days of type starting on Monday. My intention is to produce characters that are at the beginning of the word they represent 'A is for Asemic writing' etc... We'll have to wait and see what happens when I get round to numbers, I haven't decided on this yet. My plan is to have an eclectic set of characters that would ideally derive from 36 different movements of art or typography or artists or pieces of research but I'm sure there will be a little overlap so we'll see what happens with that. My strategy is to spend only max 2 hours on each letter each day to allow time to produce other work for other projects but I have a feeling some days might get very immersive.

Asemic or art’s and crafts movement  
Byblos or bauhaus 
Cursiva or cranbrook 
Delta or dada
Euro style or Eric Gill 
Generative or Grotesque or Gutenburg 
Hybrida or humanist
International style or initialis
Johannes Gutenberg
Kappa or kinetic typography
Letraset or ligature 
Modular or Munari 
Nouveau or negative space 
Optical character recognition or outline
Psychedelia or Phoenician 
Quill or quaint 
Schwabacher or structure or script or slab
Venetian or vitra
Web or weight
X-height or Xi 
Zapotec or Hermann Zapf 


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