PPP self-promo

You should all have a website live for the final PPP submission in May. 

Draft sent to Alec via Estudio by March 17th.

  • Consistent application of personal branding.
  • A curated selection of your work 
  • An engaging bio 
  • Include contact details and relevant socials via working links including :mailto link
  • Always give your projects some context with rationale copy
  • Image quality is essential
  • Intuitive layout and navigation

Either build or continue to refine a custom site 

Cargo Collective
Adobe Portfolio

Make sure your site is live for assessment

Inspiration at: 

Professional sites:
Claire Köster clairekoster.com
Jules Morin julesmorin.com
Zack Wellin zackwellin.com
Mariano Pascual mariano-pascual.me
Roberta Donatini robertadonatini.com
Ingo Offermanns ingooffermanns.com

Student sites: 
Lawrie Miller 
Lorna Milligan 
Ami Vadi amivadi.com
Ellie Main 


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