Lou Alsop research

Some visual research into Lou Alsop who I am trying to interview for the essay

Having graduated from Westminster in 2013 Lou produces ready to wear fashion with innovative, oversized cuts and layering and strong graphic elements drawing inspiration from their South East London settings. The typography is done my Lou and she also works for prominent streetwear designer liam hodges

Although she graduated in BA Fashion there is a clear passion for typography and graphic composition within her work. I think the most effective applications amongst her own label are the outsider jumper for SS15 and a logo design for artist Englesia. I'm not a big fan of the line drawn stuff towards the bottom but the application of loose threads to extend the type into the piece is very inspiring.

Image result for louise alsopImage result for louise alsop

Image result for englesia logo
Image result for louise alsop

Image result for louise alsop
Image result for louise alsop

*retrospective add to #fashioning the industry*


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