PPP Planning session

Video from the CEO of Skillshare: 

  • 3x3x3 method = 3 priorities for the day, 3 priorities for the week, 3 wins for the week 
  • Set large yearly goals that are reviewed quarterly  
  • Develop positive new habits one at a time 
  • Don't try and change things overnight
  • Prioritise tasks by their individual worth to you or your project, work from the most important tasks to least. 
  • Plan > Do > Evaluate

Pomodoro technique: 

Work in 25-minute bursts, followed by a 5-minute break,
Each fourth cycle, take a 15-minute break
Try chrome extension Marinara

Eat the Frog: 

Start the day with your most daunting task
Give it 100% of your focus until it's complete

Get Things Done:

Organise tasks into 'next action', 'someday maybe' and 'waiting for'
Helping with prioritisation and workflow.

Annual goals:

By Christmas finish COP and COP practical to a standard where I feel the topic has been fully explored and I have some valuable work for the industry.

By May finish studio and PPP to a point where I feel a range of collaborations and technical possibilities have been explored and build my social presence to a point where professional clients and collaborations are more plentiful.

Complete 3-6 projects in collaboration with designers I admire before 22nd October 2020

Create a personal type foundry via either a physical or digital medium by May.

8:00 AMBreakfast and emailsBreakfast and emailsBreakfast and emailsBreakfast and emailsBreakfast and emails
9:00 AMWeekly briefingPPP listening/tasksCOP readingCOP readingStudio lecture time
10:00 AMWeekly briefingPPP listening/tasksCOP readingCOP readingStudio lecture time
11:00 AMWeekly briefingPPP listening/tasksCOP planningCOP planningStudio lecture time
1:00 PMCOP listening/tasksPPP listening/tasksCOP Practical - researchCOP tutorialStudio progress check
2:00 PMCOP listening/tasksDesigner outreachCOP Practical - sketchStudio brief organisationStudio brief organisation
3:00 PMCOP listening/tasksPersonal brandingCOP Practical - sketch Studio researchStudio research
4:00 PMCOP WrittingGraphic experimentCOP Practical - client recapStudio researchStudio research
5:00 PMCOP WrittingGraphic experimentGraphic experimentStudio idea generationStudio idea generation
6:00 PMCOP WrittingPortfolioGraphic experimentStudio idea generationStudio idea generation



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