
Showing posts from March, 2020

36 days - 1

Todays 1 is based around the movement and lifestyle concept of minimalism. Having watched the Netflix documentary on the lifestyle side of minimalism I've decided there's nothing interesting about it but the overarching philosophical impact of the concept on design and movements it has been inspired by and even employed in before this 21st-century hipster fad. "In visual arts, music, and other mediums,  minimalism  is an art movement that began in post–World War II Western art, most strongly with American visual arts in the 1960s and early 1970s. Prominent artists associated with minimalism include Donald Judd, Agnes Martin, Dan Flavin, Robert Morris, Anne Truitt, and Frank Stella. The movement is often interpreted as a reaction against abstract expressionism and modernism; it anticipated contemporary postminimal art practices, which extend or reflect on minimalism's original objectives." Agnes Martin particularly stood out to me due to her simplistic paint

36 days of type introduction to numbers and 0

Today marked the transition onto my final 9 days of the competition with the number 0. Yesterday after I finished my letters I was faced with a mild panic as I have to now create 9 numbers but hadn't yet mapped out the strategies for this. I had only made a list of potential topics up to Z so quickly compiled some research into areas of the art and design world that I could play on beginning with or in reference to the given number. 1000 google and lots of key number searches later I arrived at a WIP list of potential topics: 0 - ZERO 1 - minimalism   2 - dualism or phonecian alphabet? (22 characters)   3 - 3D   4 - cubism   5 - les cinq? Or fab 5 Freddy   6 - 6 principles of gestalt or Paul Klee   7 - seven deadly sins? The seven arts? Seven horizontal discs by Alexander Calder 8 - composition 8 by Kandinsky or the eight   9 - futurism 1909   With this out the way, I got onto my 0 which was inspired by a movement I hadn't fully recognised until this m

36 days - Z

The end of the alphabet is finally here today before we progress onto the numbers tomorrow. Z was as expect a tricky number to select and having previously thought I'd go for something Aztec themed by focusing on the art of the Zapotec people I instead last-minute switched onto the influential typographer and masterful calligrapher Hermann Zapf. Zapf is famous for the likes of Palatino, Optima and Zapfino. He was a wonderfully versatile typographer as someone of his generation would have to be to continue working into their 70s, he designed originally for hot metal type, then photosetting and finally taught and produced digital type from the late 70s onwards. Having an excellent eye for hand-drawn type its no surprise that when Zapf wasn't doing calligraphy he opted for humanist, Roman or Roman Renaissance-inspired forms that featured strokes curving out towards serifs and wonderful fluidity and formality.  As a tribute to the versatile typographer, it would have b

36 days - Y

Today was always only going to be one thing an that is y2k, without a multitude of design crazes beginning with the letter Y and already some experience within the field of research owing to my jewellery branding project, it was a natural choice. Of course, logotype and distinctly techi type of the time was the first port of call as I began to experiment with a wide variety of techniques from the short-lived utopian future crazy that emanated from the early naughties. In a world that had just survived the biggest computer bug in the digital age, digital optimism and faith in technology seemed through to logotype design across a surprising range of industries, not exclusively those that deal with digital means as a core value. Dynamic type, inspired by everything from robotics to electronic clothes tags became the fetishised aesthetic and has continued to be viewed as such in certain industries and by Tumblr teens every since. Below is a range of research form previous sketches by me (o