
Showing posts from September, 2019

OUGD601 COP 3 Briefing

Submission 12/12/19 As mentioned in specification Studio brief Research tips: Looking closer: critical writings on graphic design by Michael Bierut Graphic design as communication by Malcom Barnard Design, writing, research  by  Abbott, M. J. and Ellen Lipton End of session group discussion on ethics Ethics -  moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the conducting of an activity. Taking into account the moral responsibility of a graphic production in accordance with that of the target audience. Considering the impacts that it may have and in what ways they shall be received. Critical -  expressing or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of literature, music, or art. Giving an objective analysis of a give sources validity and application to

Design as Art - Bruno Munari

I have previously read Design as Art by the multi-talented Italian designer Bruno Munari. One of the key points of Munari's philosophy is around beauty, function and acessibility, meaning a large part of his studies links into the forms vs function debate. Within Design as Art there is one particularly relevant chapter 'The Shape of Words' which of course is the natural place to start with context to the essay, however, I'm sure I'll drop in and out of the book throughout the next few months. "Not only does each letter of a word have a shape of its own but all its letters taken together give shape to the word" - describing a holistic approach to type comprehension, referencing the principles of Gestalt. " The lines and the blank spaces between one letter and the next all contribute to giving the word its overall shape. This is especially the case with words we are used to reading - or forced to read - every day: the names of newspapers, or big f

Rudolf Arnheim - Entropy and Art

As I'm considering using Gestalt theory as my theoretical theme throughout the essay the obvious place to start are the literary works of Rudolf Arnheim. I am familiar with the author due to a previous book 'Art and Visual Perception' a longer art and psychology text that breaks down Gestalt in more detail. This shorter essay is described in the subheading as 'An Essay on Disorder and order' and the relationship between the two in art and design is discussed within the introduction, keywords: Entropy  - Lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder. Antithesis  - A  person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.